Mobile Angel

My thoughts on the latest developments in the mobile world, and a place to express my creative ideas.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Nabaztag: Le lapin communicant

As of this week I'm the proud owner of a Nabaztag. Nabaztag is a WiFi rabbit, which enables you to commuincate with other Nabaztag owners. If you twist its ears for example, your buddy's Nabaztag will twist his in response. Isn't that cute? It can also speak to you and read out text from websites and tell you the weather.
It seems that the next generation Nabaztags are able to detect smell....

Monday, November 20, 2006

New Blackberry 8100 Pearl consumer phone

Never been a big fan of Blackberry phones and never understood why anyone would want one. Okay, you can access and read email with it, and their SureType is very user-friendly. But surely you must get a paper brown bag with it when you buy one to put over your head when using your Blackberry in public, cause the thing is so darn ugly!
Now, RIM is trying to get a hold in the consumer market with their new Blackberry Pearl phone. I haven't been able to actually get my hands on one, but MobileBurn has an extensive and interesting review of the Pearl on their site.

My conclusion: it definitely looks better than their business devices (but that's not so hard), but their user interface design really scared me: it's very cluttered and ugly and reminded me of Telnet sessions on a Unix machine. Personally I think good UI design should combine a well worked out interaction design and an attractive graphic design. Furthermore, it doesn't offer anything really exiting. With their 1.3 megapixel camera and polyphonic ringtones this phone should be send back in time to 2004, then it might be cool...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Interaction by gestures: roll the dice!

One of our interns at TNO is currently working on new interface concepts using gestures instead of 'normal' key input. He found out there are some interesting terminals out on the market which have motion sensors, amongst others the Samsung SCH-310 and the Nokia Sports. Both terminals use the sensory input for games, the Sports can also be used as a (not so accurate) stepcounter.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Apple iPhone in 2007?

According to AppleInsider, the iPhone will be introduced in early 2007 and will merge iPod and phone capabilities, and will also have an 2 megapixel camera. Yes! 60GB of ringtones to choose from, I can't wait!

Check the AppleInsider article for more info.

J2ME Gmail app for your mobile

Finally! As a Gmail addict, I was pleased to see the release of a new version of mobile Gmail, now available as J2ME application. Although I'm a bit biased ;-) I really think this is a neat application! It offers you almost all the functionalities the web version has, and it's small, fast and user friendly.

To download the app browse to: with your mobile phone. After download you can directly access it from your phone's main menu.